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순천향을 빛낸 이달의 논문

순천향을 빛낸 이달의 논문 (2월)

작성일 : 2021.02.01 작성자 : 오성혜 조회수 : 501

이달의 논문 2월 이비인후과 백병준 교수 논문제목 비용종에서 에스트로겐 수용체알파의 발현과 RPMI 2650 세포에서 덱사메타손이 에스트로겐 수용체알파에 미치는 영향 Expression of estrogen receptor(ER)-a in nasal polyps and the effects of dexamethasone on ER-a expression in RPMI 2650 cells 주요내용 비용종(코폴립)의 발병원인인 상피세포 증식에 관한 연구로 에스트로겐 수용체알파는 세포생존과 관련이 있고, 덱사메타손을 투여할 경우 세포사멸의 증가와 생존력이 감소하는 것을 밝혀냄. 이를 통해 코르티코 스테로이드가 항염증 경로 뿐 아니라 상피세포 증식의 직접적인 억제를 통해 이루어 질 수 있다는 사실을 뒷받침 함 J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Dec 28:35(50):0420 https://doi.org/10.3346/jkms. 2020.35.0420 elssN 1598-6357-pISSN 1011-3934 JKMS Original Article Otorhinolaryngology Expression of Estrogen Receptor-alpha in Nasal Polyps and the Effects of Dexamethasone on Estrogen Receptoralpha Expression in RPMI 2650 Cells Won Woo Ban , Yoon Jin Lee , Sang Han Lee , Jae Yeop Jung , and Byoung Joon Baek Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea Department of Biochemistry. Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea 이달의 논문 2월 신장내과 길효욱 교수 ,신장내과 박삼엘 교수 논문제목 산염기 상태가 급성 농약중독 환자의 사망에 미치는 영향 Impact of Acid-Base Status on Mortality in Patients with Acute Pesticide Poisoning 주요내용 스튜어트 모델 기반의 새로운 접근 및 해석법으로 급성 농약중독 환자의 산염기 이상과 상태에 따른 사망과의 연관성을 밝혀냄으로써 산염기 장애에 대한 새로운 해석과 접근, 스튜어트 모델 활용에 대한 새로운 관점을 제시 toxics MDPI Article Impact of Acid-Base Status on Mortality in Patients with Acute Pesticide Poisoning Hyo-Wook Gil , Min Hong , HwaMin Lee , Nam-jun Cho , Eun-Young Lee and Samel Park Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan 31151, Korea, hwgil@schmc.ac.kr (H.-W.G.); chonj@schmc.ac.kr (N-j.C.); eylee@schmc.ac.kr (E.-Y.L.) Department of Software Convergence, Soonchunhyang University, Asan 31538, Korea; mhong@sch.ac.kr (M.H.); lechm@sch.ac.kr (H.L.) Correspondence: samelpark17@schmc.ac.kr 이달의 논문 2월 소화기내과 윤홍진 교수 논문제목 니트로소디메틸아민(NDMA) 검출과 관련된 라니티딘 사용자에서 암 발생 위험에 대한 연구 Risk of Cancer Following the Use of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Contaminated Ranitidine Products: A Nationwide Cohort Study in South Korea 주요내용. 발암물질인 니트로소디메틸아민(NDMA)의 검출로 판매가 중단된 라니티딘 약제 사용자 8만여명의 자료를 분석하여 라니티딘 사용에 따른 암 발생 증가가 없음을 확인함 Journal of Clinical Medicine Article Risk of Cancer Following the Use of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Contaminated Ranitidine Products: A Nationwide Cohort Study in South Korea Hong Jin Yoon, Jie-Hyun Kim, Gi Hyeon Seo ,and Hyojin Park Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Chungcheongnam-do Cheonan-si 330-921, Korea; 104560@schmc.ac.kr Department of Internal Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 211 Eonjuro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-720, Korea; hjpark21@yuhs.ac Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, 60, Hyeoksin-ro, Gangwon-do, Wonju-si 26465, Korea Correspondence: Otilia94@yuhsac (J.-H.K.); seogihyeon@hira.or.kr (G.H.S.); Tel.: +82-2-2019-3505 (J.-H.K.); +82-2-2182-230 (G.HS.); Fax: +82-2-3463-3882 |--HK.]; +82-33-811-7447 (G.H.S.)Abstract: N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a known carcinogenic agent, was recently detected in some products of ranitidine. Several studies have investigated the detectability of NDMA, in drugs and their risks. However, only a few epidemiological studies have evaluated cancer risk from the use of such individual drugs. This study investigates the risk of cancer in ranitidine users. We conducted an observational population-based cohort study using the Health Insurance Review and Assessment databases, which contain information about the use of medicines in South Korea. The primary study cohort consisted of ranitidine users (n = 88,416). For controls, we enrolled users of famotidine, another Hy-receptor antagonist in which no NDMA has been detected. A 4:1 matched cohort was constructed to compare cancer outcomes of the two groups. Our matched cohort comprised of 40,488 ranitidine users and 10,122 famotidine users. There was no statistical difference in the overall cancer risk between the ranitidine and famotidine groups (7.45% vs. 7.56%, HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.91-1.07, p=0.716). Additionally, no significant differences were observed in the analysis of 11 single cancer outcomes. We found no evidence that exposure to NDMA through ranitidine increases the risk of cancer. check for updates Citation: Yoon, H.J. Kim, J.-H.; Seo, G.H.; Park, H. Risk of Cancer Following the Use of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) Contaminated Ranitidine Products: A Nationwide Cohort Study in South Korea. J. Clin Med, 2021, 10, 153. https//doi.org/10.3090/jcm10010153 Keywords: ranitidine; NDMA; cancer risk, claims data; famotidine Introduction 이달의 논문 2월 외과 강동현 교수 외과 백무준 교수 논문제목 대장암 환자에서 AMPK/TET2 단백질의 발현 및 임상적 관련성 Expression of AMP-activated protein kinase/ten-eleven translocation 2 and their clinical relevance in colorectal cancer 주요내용 대장암 환자를 대상으로 단백질 유전자 TET2의 발현은 좋은 예후를 보이고, AMPK는 좋지 않은 예후를 보임을 밝혀냄으로써 향후 대장암 진단 및 예후 예측에 중요한 단서를 제공 ONCOLOGY LETTERS 21: 164, 2021 Expression of AMP-activated protein kinase/ten-eleven translocation 2 and their clinical relevance in colorectal cancer DONG HYUN KANG , DONG JUN JEONG, TAE SUNG AHN , HYUN YONG LEE , HAN JO KIM, SANG BYUNG BAEHYEONG JOO KIMP, MOON SOO LEE, HYOG YOUNG KWON and MOO-JUN BAEK Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Soonchunhyang Medical Science Research Institute; Departments of Pathology and Oncology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital; Soonchunhyang Institute of Medi-bio Science (SIMS), Soonchunhyang University: Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do 31151, Republic of Korea Received August 22, 2019; Accepted November 26, 2020 DOI: 10.3892/01.2021.12425 이달의 논문 2월 정신건강의학과 이화영 교수 논문제목 임세원 교수와 한국형 표준자살예방 생명지킴이 양성프로그램 (보고 듣고 말하기) Se-Won Lim and Standardized Suicide Prevention Program for Gatekeeper Intervention in Korea (Bogo Deudgo Malhagi, Suicide CARE) 주요내용 2020년 9월 의사자로 지정된 故 임세원 교수가 주축 으로 개발한 한국형 표준자살 예방 생명지킴이 양성 프로그램인 보고 듣고 말하기 의 성과를 분석. 이를 통해 2020년까지 130만명 이상의 생명지킴이가 배출되었음을 밝혀냄 EDITORIAL https://doi.org/10.30 773/pl. 2020.0373 Print ISSN 1738-3684 / On-line ISSN 1976-3026 OPEN ACCESS Se-Won Lim and Standardized Suicide Prevention Program for Gatekeeper Intervention in Korea (Bogo Deudgo Malhagi, Suicide CARE) Hwa-Young Lee a Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Republic of Korea