
동문 및 협력병원 의료진을 위한 원문제공 서비스


소속 : 동문병원 이메일 : mannitol240@gmail.com

항상 친절하고 빠른 회신 감사합니다. 1. Chen HT, Tsai CH, Chao SC, Kao TH, Chen YJ, Hsu HC, et al. Endoscopic discectomy of L5- S1 disc herniation via an interlaminar approach: Prospective controlled study under local and general anesthesia. Surgical neurology international. 2011;2:93. 2. Guan Y, Huang T, An G, Wan R, Wei T, Shi X, et al. Percutaneous Endoscopic Interlaminar Lumbar Discectomy with Local Anesthesia for L5-S1 Disc Herniation: A Feasibility Study. Pain physician. 2019;22(6):E649-e54. 3. Wu K, Zhao Y, Feng Z, Hu X, Chen Z, Wang Y. Stepwise Local Anesthesia for Percutaneous Endoscopic Interlaminar Discectomy: Technique Strategy and Clinical Outcomes. World neurosurgery. 2020;134:e346-e52. 4. e XF, Wang S, Wu AM, Xie LZ, Wang XY, Chen JX, et al. Comparison of the effects of general and local anesthesia in lumbar interlaminar endoscopic surgery. Annals of palliative medicine. 2020;9(3):1103-8. 5. chao L. Comparison of percutaneous endoscopic discectomy under local anesthesia and general anesthesia combined with neurophysiological monitoring [Master ]: Chongqing Medical University; 2015.


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(1) Surg Neurol Int 2011 ; 2 : 93 --- PDF File
(2) Pain Physician 2019 ; 22(6) : E649-54 --- PDF File
(3) World Neurosurg 2020 ; 134 : e346-52 --- PDF File
(4) Ann Palliat Med 2020 ; 9(3) : 1103-8 --- PDF File
(5) 학위논문 제공불가

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이전 문헌 신청합니다. 2020.12.10

다음 문헌 신청합니다. 2021.01.04