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작성자 : 이세환 이메일 : stevesh@schmc.ac.kr

N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 21;385(17):1547-1558. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2036205.

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Pan-PPAR Agonist Lanifibranor in NASH

Sven M Francque 1, Pierre Bedossa 1, Vlad Ratziu 1, Quentin M Anstee 1, Elisabetta Bugianesi 1, Arun J Sanyal 1, Rohit Loomba 1, Stephen A Harrison 1, Rozalina Balabanska 1, Lyudmila Mateva 1, Nicolas Lanthier 1, Naim Alkhouri 1, Christophe Moreno 1, Jörn M Schattenberg 1, Diana Stefanova-Petrova 1, Luisa Vonghia 1, Régine Rouzier 1, Maeva Guillaume 1, Alexander Hodge 1, Manuel Romero-Gómez 1, Philippe Huot-Marchand 1, Martine Baudin 1, Marie-Paule Richard 1, Jean-Louis Abitbol 1, Pierre Broqua 1, Jean-Louis Junien 1, Manal F Abdelmalek 1, NATIVE Study Group


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